Quick Start
You can find and download all released versions of inspectIT Ocelot in our GitHub repository. You can get the current version on the following link:
$ wget https://github.com/inspectIT/inspectit-oce/releases/download/2.0.1/inspectit-ocelot-agent-2.0.1.jar
The best way to start using inspectIT Ocelot is to attach the Java agent when starting your Java program.
Use the -javaagent
command-line option to reference the inspectIT Ocelot jar:
$ java -javaagent:"/path/to/inspectit-ocelot-agent-2.0.1.jar" -jar my-java-program.jar
The Installation section further describes what options are available for installing the agent, as well as how you can attach the agent to an already started JVM. In the Configuration section you can find more details on how to configure the inspectIT Ocelot agent.