Trace Exporters
Metrics exporters are responsible for passing the recorded tracing data to a corresponding storage.
inspectIT Ocelot currently supports the following OpenCensus trace exporters:
Zipkin Exporter
The Zipkin exporter exports Traces in Zipkin v2 format to a Zipkin server or other compatible servers.
By default, the Zipkin exporter is enabled but the URL needed for the exporter to actually start is set to null
The following properties are nested properties below the inspectit.exporters.tracing.zipkin
Property | Default | Description |
.enabled | IF_CONFIGURED | If ENABLED or IF_CONFIGURED , the agent will try to start the Zipkin exporter. If the url is not set, it will log a warning if set to ENABLED but fail silently if set to IF_CONFIGURED . |
.url | null | v2 URL under which the ZipKin server can be accessed (e.g. |
.service-name | refers to inspectit.service-name | The service-name which will be used to publish the spans. |
To make inspectIT Ocelot push the spans to a Zipkin server running on the same machine as the agent, the following JVM property can be used:
Jaeger Exporter
The Jaeger exports works exactly the same way as the Zipkin Exporter.
By default, the Jaeger exporter is enabled but the URL needed for the exporter to actually start is set to null
The following properties are nested properties below the inspectit.exporters.tracing.jaeger
Property | Default | Description |
.enabled | IF_CONFIGURED | If ENABLED or IF_CONFIGURED , the agent will try to start the Jaeger exporter. If the url is not set, it will log a warning if set to ENABLED but fail silently if set to IF_CONFIGURED . |
.url | null | URL under which the Jaeger Thrift server can be accessed (e.g. |
.service-name | refers to inspectit.service-name | The service-name which will be used to publish the spans. |
To make inspectIT Ocelot push the spans to a Jaeger server running on the same machine as the agent, the following JVM property can be used:
OpenCensus Agent Trace Exporter
Spans can be additionally exported to the OpenCensus Agent.
When enabled, all Spans are sent via gRCP to the OpenCensus Agent. By default, the exporter is enabled, but the agent address that is needed for the exporter to actually start is set to null
The following properties are nested properties below the
Property | Default | Description |
.enabled | IF_CONFIGURED | If ENABLED or IF_CONFIGURED , the agent will try to start the OpenCensus Agent Trace exporter. If the address is not set, it will log a warning if set to ENABLED but fail silently if set to IF_CONFIGURED . |
.address | null | Address of the open-census agent (e.g. localhost:1234). |
.use-insecure | false | If true, SSL is disabled. |
.service-name | refers to inspectit.service-name | The service-name which will be used to publish the spans. |
.reconnection-period | 5 | The time at which the exporter tries to reconnect to the OpenCensus agent. |
Don't forget to check the official OpenCensus Agent exporter documentation.